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Sports Chiropractic at
Naturally Chiropractic

Sports injuries have long-term implications at all stages of life. Even if you only play on the weekends, the stress put on your body causes changes in your nervous system and spine. Dr. Aaron helps your body adapt to these stressors to protect movement in the spine and function of the nervous system.

Sports chiropractic is recommended for children, teenagers, and adults. Because children’s bodies are still developing, playing sports can cause permanent physiological changes that may lead to chronic pain and injuries over an entire lifetime. Even in the teen years, the human body is still changing. As an adult, your body is fairly set in its structure, and this actually increases the likelihood of injuries. Keeping the body functioning at its best at all ages is why sports chiropractic care is so beneficial.

Every muscle, ligament, tendon, organ, and other tissue is your body is connected to your spine and nervous system in some way. The care that you receive from Dr. Aaron allows your body to adapt to the stressors of sports activities.

Does Chiropractic Care Help Me Recover Quicker?

Yes. When you injure a part of your body, there is a natural adaptation to compensation for the injury. This includes obvious injuries such as sprains and strains, as well as injuries to tissue that cause no symptoms. The compensation puts stress on other parts of your body. Chiropractic care helps your body work as it is designed so there is no cascading effect. For example, if you injure your ankle or foot, the effects reach into your knees, legs, hips, and lower back. The treatments from Dr. Aaron keeps everything in alignment, preserves proper motion in the spine, increases blood flow, and wakes up your nervous system. Your body heals faster and better, and it can respond better to the stresses of sports activities.
Do You Work on Extremities?

Yes. Injuries to the extremities, such as the arms and legs, are typically sports-dependent. Dr. Aaron helps his patients prevent common sports injuries, such as those that develop in the shoulders, wrists, ankles, hips, feet, and other areas of the body. He also helps you improve your posture to prevent high levels of stress on the neck, shoulders, and spine.
When Should I Have Chiropractic Treatment for a Sports Injury?

As soon as possible. Depending on the nature of the injury, you may need care at an urgent care facility, emergency room, or physician office. After this initial stabilization of the injury, schedule an appointment with Dr. Aaron. Even if you still need some more intensive care in the short-term, he can work up an individualized treatment plan to help your body heal naturally and recover faster.

Get the Care You Need Today!

If you or your child play sports, chiropractic care should be an integral part of your healthcare. To learn more, call Naturally Chiropractic to schedule an appointment with Dr. Aaron. We also welcome walk-in appointments!

Sports Chiropractor Olathe KS | (913) 381-2525